Join 86,000+ ThemeGoods Satisfied Customers

We have been active Themeforestpower elite author for more than 4 years, selling almost 86,000+ completed WordPress themes to customers to date. One of the most selling author on the market. We provide powerful theme admin, options yet easy to use along with amazing support and updates.


We have carefully created a lot of sample pages to show you the powerful of Constructor WordPress Theme. It’s really built especially for construction & Architecture company. You can select sample demos pages below to see the power of it yourself

Transparent Menu

Classic Menu

Menu With Topbar

One Page

Extended Menu

Project Landing Page

Project Single Page


About Us

Contact With Map



Organise your projects by services and client sectors easily

View project pages

IntegratedTheme Customiser

Customise everything in the theme via customizer and it previews your changes instantly
Other themes might have support some parts and you have to switch between customiser and theme setting.
But we are the theme which fully built every cusomisable options into WordPress customiser


Start your business with this beautiful theme for just $58

Buy on Themeforest


Fully Responsive
Theme is fully responsive. Every pages are designed to look great on every major desktop browsers and also look great on both tablet and mobile devices.
Theme Customizer
Customise everything in the theme via customizer and it previews your changes instantly. Every customisable options into WordPress customizer.
One Click Demo Import
Theme has 1 click demo install so you can easily get your website working in short time or you can also import each pages/posts individually.

Premium Sliders
Theme comes with a license of revolution slider plugin. So you can create stunning slideshows animation using drag&drop user interface.
Content Builder
Theme has built-in “Content Builder” for page and project. Basically you can select available content types. You can change content order using drag and drop in content builder box.
Side Menu
Theme has 4 menu options main, top bar, footer and side menus. With side menu you can organise each menu items and it’s primary menu for mobile devices. You can also add widgets to its sidebar.

Organised Projects Options
Theme has 13 different project templates. It also has content builder for project content s. Also you can organise projects by services and client’s business sector.
Header Options
Theme provides advanced header and menu options. You can customize top bar colors, menu, contact information and menu layout and it’s preview instantly on changes.
PO Translation
Theme is translation ready theme using world standard PO file translation and you can translate theme strings using PO edit app. WPML for multi-languages also support.

Mega Menu
Multiple menu options with support mega menu for main menu. Mega menu provide helpful options to organise various menu items into 2-5 columns.
Shopping Cart
Theme is Woocommerce compatible and provide flexible shop layout support fullwidth or with sidebar templates. You can easily create and maintain your online shop.
Advanced footer options provide flexibility layouts in 1-4 columns, widgets support and customisable background image, colors, footer logo and typography

Unlimited Colors
We provided unlimited colors choices. You can customise each elements colors options with advanced color selection tool and it’s preview instantly.
Advanced Typography
Theme provide advanced typography options which allow you to customise over font size, weight, type, letter spacing and many other typography options.
One Page Parallax
Theme provide support for you to create modern one page parallax site or micro site, you can also create micro site for your sub pages easily.

Optimise For Speed
Theme is optimised for loading speed with attention to detail and structure of its code. Theme demo score grade A with 90% from GTmatrix
Mobile Check By Google
Not only theme provide responsive layout. It also pass Google mobile compatibility check for best mobile experience and also great for SEO ranking
5 Stars Support
We are active Themeforest author for more than 4 years and we always provide great support for customers whenever they need or have problems

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